千年村プロジェクトとは Ver.1
目次 |
The Millennium Village Project
The aim of the ”Millennium Village Project” is the research of all those villages and areas older than one thousand years, which remained past several natural disasters and changes, thus producing a social fabric based on certain ways of living and working.
The project aims to collect data, research, publish and convey the value of all the thousand-year-old villages throughout Japan, by doing all this work through a networking platform. The team is formed by researchers who carry out tasks on history of architecture, architectural design, landscape architecture, social and environmental engineering, landscape and civic design, folklore, historic geography and web design.
Background of the “Millennium Village Project”
Considering the fact that the Millennium Villages continued their long existence through many external pressures,and considering them also from different viewpoints such as disaster prevention, means of production and manufacturing, or means of trading, they already are a traditional settlement system with a continuous existence through the time: the mountain villages, the fields placed just below them, the protective Shinto forests which enclose them, the mountain passes which connect them with the territory and the ocean which leads to foreign lands. However the target is not just the valuation of the cultural properties that gave shape to those ways of living, but the support of comprehensive everyday living of the country. Thus, considering to all those flexible environments, villages and communities, the project aims to establish a model for the future Millennium Villages.
①〈千年村〉をみつける…全国の〈千年村〉の発見、情報の収集と公開 平安時代の辞書『和名類聚抄』に記載された郷名の、現在における比定地1977件の空間プロットを行い、これをウェブサイトにて〈千年村〉マップとして公開します。このデータベースが呼び水となって、新たな〈千年村〉の報告がもたらされることを期待しています。…〈千年村〉をみつけるのページへ
Purpose and Method of “Millennium Village Project”
1- Geolocation of the settlements that are documented in one-millennium-old written fonts. As for everyone in possession of information about millennium villages, any discovery or apportion will be highly appreciated, since it is not an exhaustive database yet. This website, serves as a publishing platform for the Millennium Village Project new discoveries based on one-millennium-old documents. →Millennium Village localization
2- Systematization of the gathered data in a common database. Research on the reasons for their permanence through time, from environment, settlement, community viewpoints. →Millennium Village case study
3- Proposal of solutions for the existing objective conditions of remaining villages. →Millennium Village continuation
4- Creation of a networking platform for information interchanges throughout the country. →Millennium Village public valuation
Last word
The ultimate goal of the Millennium Village Project is to establish the appropriate methodology for conservation and continuation of these villages and areas, through the Millennium Village case study. The current members of the Millennium Village project activities are listed as the following page (Millennium Village Project activity members).
We expect the active cooperation and proposals from the members to the Millennium Village Project throughout the country.
2015年3月8日改訂 千年村プロジェクト
April 2nd 2014 March 8th 2015 revised by Millennium Village Project